Phase II Construction Complete

As of January 1, 2019, the construction of the 4 in-stream river features of the Eagle River Park are complete.  The construction team, Town officials, The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and Colorado Parks and Wildlife did a final inspection of the features before re-watering the river channel on December 19th.  A few modifications were recommended for feature 3 to better support fish passage and because of the previous installation of the rapid bloc pads, these modifications were able to be made quickly and efficiently.

The construction team is finishing up work on the terraced boulder walls, boat ramp, and some other small river work before transitioning to the upland park.

Whitewater design and engineering firm, S2O Design,  designed of the whitewater features for the whitewater park.

The images below reflect the design and engineering as of January 2017:

The whitewater park will feature waves, eddies, chutes, and drops that are fun to tube and float during low water times, but will gain in size and power as the flows increase. At higher flows this otherwise tame section of the Eagle River will feature large waves that kayakers and SUPers can surf and play on.  The features will be ideal for competitions and festivals as well an afternoon surf after work.  The project adjusts the configuration of the existing diversion structure and creates four new wave features (Drops 1-4).

The Diversion
The structure creates what is formerly the “Rodeo Hole” located at the upstream reach of the whitewater park. The feature is currently three drop structures that can create a large hole at some flows that flips rafts. There are also undercut areas on the river left in this area. The new design creates a roughened riffle that will be extended from the point of diversion downstream at a 1.5% grade in this area to decrease the current risk.  The caves will be filled with rock and the diversion itself will be a small arched structure that is inundated at higher flows.

The Bypass
The future whitewater park features referred to as Drops 1 and 2 have a bypass channel aligned next to them that will allow boaters and tubers to bypass these first two features to the left.  The bypass channel provides a calm route around the largest of the four features that are being created and also creates a pathway back upstream for fish that migrate through this reach of the river.

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